About Coach Lauren

Who is mental performance coach, Lauren Tait?

Writing bio's is something that has always been very challenging for me, as I am an open book and can never pick what I truly want to share with people. Therefore, I typically find myself either keeping things way to brief or writing an entire novel about my life. So here goes nothing!

If you know me, then you know I rarely sit still. I am always on the go and this is how I prefer life to be. I am very passionate about sports, exercise and the human body, specifically how the human brain plays a vital roll in being successful in all of those. As a former dual collegiate athlete, playing both basketball and soccer, I have always been very intrigued on how to become better, focusing primarily on how to do so without even stepping foot inside of gym or out on the field. This is where my love for understanding that in order to be the strongest and fastest for example, one must be bullet proof mentally.

What is my education?

I graduated with honors from Trine University where I majored in Pre-Legal studies and snagged a double minor in Psychology and Criminal Justice. After undergrad, I found myself coaching High School Varsity girl's basketball in Indianapolis, while also graduating with honors and obtaining my MBA in Sport Management. Once I had my MBA, I realized that starting my own company was something I desired, as I have always wanted to follow in the footsteps of both my grandfather and mother. Let's be honest though, owning my own company made sense because I have a very hard time sitting down at a desk for hours on end. 

Prior to founding my own company, Klimb and Konquer, I enrolled in the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) where I officially became a certified Health and Wellness coach, specializing in mindset. I also decided that nutrition played a key roll in how the human brain functions and decided to further my education by enrolling and soon after, receiving my Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification.

What is Klimb and Konquer?

Besides being grammatically incorrect, Klimb and Konquer is an influential Health, Wellness & Accountability coaching business, specializing in mental performance. My company truly is unlike any other, as it focuses and places a huge emphasis on building and improving one’s mental and physical foundational health first before anything else such as nutrition and physical strength.

This focus allows for every single client to begin discovering their full potential, all while embracing adversity in the process. I realized early on that I wanted to set a new standard for what it meant to embrace and overcome adversity, because I feel as though this is very overlooked in today's society.

How did I become a coach on the Brute Strength Team?

To be honest, my curiosity and fascination with how the human body, especially the mind, functions and is able to adapt and overcome adversity, shaped my determination and passion to work alongside other passionate individuals and essentially be apart of something much bigger than myself. When I met Co-Founder Matt Bruce in person for the first time, I knew there was something not only special and badass about himself, his work ethic and how he lives his life, but there was something unique about Brute Strength, what the company stands for and I can't forget how real and down to earth the rest of the coaches are on the staff are. I knew instantly, I had to be on this team.

So seriously, why Mental Performance Coaching?

I am an open book, so here is my truth: I abruptly lost my father to alcohol when I was twenty-one years old and found myself way to deep in severe chronic depression. As a senior in college and an athlete, all of my talent went out the window, I just simply was not mentally put together. I then was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in early 2017 and I quickly realized that the typical treatment methodology given to those facing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and any other mental, emotional and physical debilitating health issues, were not my end-all and should not be any else's either. This is where the deep passion for coaching others, especially athletes, began to fall into place, as I just wanted to give back in hopes that no one had to endure what I did.

Mental performance coaching is my passion. I have gone from bed-ridden to competitive CrossFit athlete and I have dedicated my life to understanding and personally implementing the formula of exercise, nutrition and the power of a positive growth mindset to not only show but help teach others how each play key roles in konquering the multitude of unknowns that adversity can bring to the table. 

So now what?

Now, you, everyone else in this course and myself, will embark on this amazing journey together! I am so stoked to be apart of your journey just as much as you are apart of mine!

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